Writing Coach

You may even have a draft started, but it sits there staring at you, wondering if it will ever be finished. You’ve come too far to leave it, but you don’t know how to move forward. Or maybe inspiration has hit, and you know the story you want to tell but just don’t know where to start or how to get those words onto the page.

Well, I’m glad you found me in this little corner of the world! I've been there..the doubt, the questions and overwhelm that set in as the dream of one day writing a book slowly fades away.

As I’ve dared to find my voice and tell my story, I’ve learnt so much about overcoming those things that threaten to take you out before you’ve even written a word!

As your writing coach, I’d love to take you from the thoughts inside your head that whisper, ‘I don’t know if I can, what would I write, and would anyone read it?’ to believing you were made for this as those words start to form your first draft! That’s right! You’ll discover your unique voice, what it has to say, and the audience that needs to hear it!

When your draft is on that page, I’d love to help you with the first edit so YOUR voice is heard in every word. And when it comes to seeing your book reach your audience,  I can help you navigate the sometimes confusing world of publishing.

You’ve got a story to tell, a message to share…

It's your time to rise up…you know, from the inside and even with a whisper, dare to find your voice and tell your story one adventurous word at a time!

Here’s what you’ll receive in your coaching sessions

  • Personal Approach

    Each story-writing adventure is as unique as the story itself. As your writing coach, I’ll step into your writing process whatever page you are on and help you tell your story, your way.

  • Step by Step Guide

    I’d love to help you brainstorm and order the ideas swarming around in your head and give you practical tips on writing; the why, when and how. I’ll also work closely with you to help identify and overcome those mindsets and beliefs that try to stop you from writing and releasing your book into the world.

  • Encouragement

    As your writing coach, I will be your number one cheer squad, your encourager and the one who believes in you on the days when you really don’t think you can. I will walk alongside you through the writing process until you are ready to sign your very first copy.


  • It all depends on where you are at in the process, what your roadblocks are and how much time you have to commit to your project.

    There are no lock-in contracts so the timing is up to you! I suggest each writer commits to 5 sessions, and then we make a plan moving forward.

  • Sessions are held online via Zoom or Google Meet. These sessions are scheduled weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

  • Regardless of whether you are writing for your own enjoyment, recording your story for future generations or have dreams of becoming the next international bestseller, I would love to help you realise your dream.

  • Absolutely! I will walk you through the self-publishing process step by step and if you choose to publish through a book house, I can help with that also!

  • Although my experience is in the memoir and non-fiction realm, I can definitely help you achieve your goal of writing a novel.

  • I am not a designer but I can walk you through the process of finding the perfect designer for you within your budget.

  • I can help you publish your books, both print and ebook.

  • Click on the link below and send me a message. I’d love to chat with you about the ways I can help you tell your story!

  • We chat about your hopes for your writing and where you are in the writing process. Then together, we form a plan to see your dream of writing become a reality. After chatting, I will send you a proposal, and we take it from there, one creative step at a time!

Words that make me smile

  • Fiona is an exceptional writing coach! Full of love, compassion and patience, her words are always encouraging. She has the ability to perceive the invisible diamond that sits within me. And she skillfully chooses the appropriate light to illuminate the right facet at the right time. Fiona, thank you for your joy, efficiency and the freedom that floods each of our sessions! I can only encourage you to trust Fiona to accompany you in the realisation of the project that is close to your heart.

    Fabi (Switzerland)

  • As a faith writer, I deeply appreciated Fiona’s ability to listen and be guided by the Holy Spirit which in turn brought great encouragement to me. I’ll be back again because I think that Ebook needs to be put into a print version. Thanks Fiona for all you do and the person you are.

    Nicci (Australia)

  • Fiona asked me questions to help draw out of me what I wanted to achieve, my goal and purpose for the book. Sifting through the pages, she corresponded with valuable suggestions and observations that helped me refine the story’s structure and enhance its flow. Fiona guided me through the process and provided me with all the information I needed. She was extremely helpful and supportive.

    Patrick (Malta)

  • Fiona has an amazing ability to listen, lean in and fully engage. She is also an incredible encourager who helped me ultimately release the dream in my heart, which was my book. Her practical help also eliminated all the overwhelm because she led me through the entire process, right to the book launch.

    Carolyn (Australia)