Your climb is not just for you!
Fiona Griffiths Fiona Griffiths

Your climb is not just for you!

Never underestimate the power of your triumphs AND your struggles to change the lives of those around you….even if it is just to help a girl climb a lion.

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Sometimes I’m not fine but it’s going to be ok!
Fiona Griffiths Fiona Griffiths

Sometimes I’m not fine but it’s going to be ok!

Sometimes I wish I’d been called to write romance fiction and comedy. Although the process of putting yourself ‘out there’ as a writer is the same, (and these genres carry with them other challenges I don’t face), at least I could hide behind my characters.

I’ve been thinking today how the unveiling of my life for all to see is either a really dumb idea or one that will do all it is supposed to do in this world! You see, I used to think I needed to have it all together or at least look to the outside world like I did. I was convinced that if I didn’t hide my tears, hopelessness and shame, I’d be left vulnerable and alone, and so I did all I could to make sure that never happened!

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Seasons change
Fiona Griffiths Fiona Griffiths

Seasons change

Challenges come in every season of our life. Sometimes things are complicated because life can be complicated, but it doesn't mean we are supposed to move on or give up. Instead, these are times when we learn to be patient and persevere (not fun at all, but necessary!) Other times the grace to be in that season has lifted, and it becomes so challenging. It's uncomfortable, frustration rises, and you can feel like you are literally being squeezed out of your place and can't work out why! We wrestle and fight during these times, striving to make it all work when we are not supposed to be making it work at all! And we wonder why we continue to grow wearier, worn down, and uninspired.

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